PPG: HNX’s Announcement (as of 25/05/2018): Supplement of reason for trading restriction on UPCOM system for Stock code PPG
> MGG: HNX Notice: First trading date of additional shares (MGG) on UPCoM (31/05/2018)
> ONW: Stock under trading restriction (31/05/2018)
> PEC: Stock under trading restriction (31/05/2018)
> MMC: HNX’s Announcement (as of 25/05/2018): Supplement of reason for trading restriction on UPCOM system for Stock code MMC (31/05/2018)
> NTB: HNX’s Announcement (as of 25/05/2018): Supplement of reason for trading restriction on UPCOM system for Stock code NTB (31/05/2018)
> MCI: HNX’s Announcement (as of 25/05/2018): Supplement of reason for trading restriction on UPCOM system for Stock code MCI (31/05/2018)
> Gelex to increase charter capital in Gelex Eletric (30/05/2018)
> HCT: Selection of Auditor for Fiscal year 2018 (30/05/2018)
> HKT: Announcement on Notice of record date for share ownership list to VSD (30/05/2018)
> CVN: Selection of Auditor for Fiscal year 2018 (30/05/2018)