Tuesday, 29/05/2018 16:49

MCP: Business performance in first three months of 2018

My Chau Printing & Packaging Holdings Company issued Resolution of BODs regarding the business performance in first three months of 2018 and business plan in Q2.2018 as follows:

1)    Approval of the reports submit to the Annual General Meeting 2018:

-          Report on the Board of Directors activities in 2017 and plan for 2018.

-          Report on the business result in 2018 and business plan in 2018.

-          Report from the Supervisory Board in 2017 and plan for 2018.

-          Report on the plan for 2017 profit distribution and dividend payment.

-          Report on the audited financial statements in 2017 and selecting the audit firm to audit its financial statements in 2018

2)    Approval of the business result in first three months of 2018:

-          Revenue:  89,054,389,046 dongs

-          Profit before tax: 3,900,196,743 dongs

-          Corporate income: 9,147,427,205 dongs

+ Depreciation:      6,027,269,811 dongs

+ Profit after tax:   3,120,157,394 dongs

3)    Approval of the business plan in Q2.2018:

-          Revenue:                100,000,000,000 dongs

-          Profit before tax:         9,000,000,000 dongs

4)    The Company will continue to sue 3A Pharmaceutical Company Limited to the People's Court of Ho Chi Minh City for the recovery of the factory that the lease contract expired on 31 December 2013.


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