GTC: Supplement of reason for trading restriction on UPCOM system for Stock code GTC
Based on Regulation on Organization and Management of Market for unlisted public companies (UPCOM) at HNX issued together with Decision number 455/QD-SGD dated 20/6/2017 of CEO of HNX (Regulation on trading registration), HNX announced on the Supplement of reason for trading restriction on UPCOM system for Stock of Golden Dragon Tea Joint Stock Company (GTC) as follows: - Supplemental reason for trading restriction: The trading registration organization made delayed information disclosure for more than forty five (45) days compared to the regulated timeline for reviewed Semiannual Financial Statement 2017 and it made no retrieval measures, belonging to the case of stock under trading restriction according to point b item 1 Article 31 and point a item 1 Article 32 of Regulation on trading registration. - HNX will make announcement on the resume of normal trading for GTC after the company makes retrieval measures for the situation under trading registration according to the Regulation on trading registration.
> CTN: Supplement of reason for trading restriction on UPCOM system for Stock code CTN (29/05/2018)
> EFI: Stock under trading restriction (29/05/2018)
> CAD: Supplement of reason for trading restriction on UPCOM system for Stock code CAD (29/05/2018)
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