FUESSV50: Basket of component securities 28 May 2018
Basket of component securities 28 May 2018 of SSIAM VNX50 ETF as follows:
> DRL: Selection of auditing firm (28/05/2018)
> BTT: Signing the audit contract (28/05/2018)
> GAS: GAS signs agreements with PVN (28/05/2018)
> HHS: Report on purchasing the treasury shares (28/05/2018)
> Vietjet shareholders get dividend of 10% (28/05/2018)
> HHS: Report on Outstanding Voting Shares (28/05/2018)
> PHR: Report on Outstanding Voting Shares (28/05/2018)
> HDA: Announcement on Notice of record date for share ownership list to VSD (28/05/2018)
> CAP: Announcement on Notice of record date for share ownership list to VSD (28/05/2018)
> SD1: HNX’s Announcement (as of 25/05/2018): Supplement of reason for trading restriction on UPCOM system for Stock code SD1 (28/05/2018)