TRA: Resolution on Annual General Meeting 2018 Traphaco Joint Stock Company announces the resolution on Annual General Meeting 2018 dated March 30, 2018 as follows:
Article 1: Approving the report of Board of Directors, the audited consolidated financial statements, the report of Board of Supervisors.
Article 2: Approving the business plan for 2018.
Article 3: Approving the profit distribution in 2017.
Article 4: Approving the profit distribution in 2018, the remuneration of Board of Supervisors and Board of Supervisors in 2018.
Article 5: Approving to authorize the Board of Directors to choose an audit company for auditing TRA’s financial statements in 2018.
Article 6: Approving the signing of contracts with with Traphaco CNC; Traphaco Hung Yen.
Article 7: Approving the report on the construction cost of Vietnam Pharmaceutical Factory.
Article 8: Approving the amendment of the Company’s Charter.
Article 9: Approving to issue the internal regulation on corporate governance.
Article 10: Approving the resignation and election of member of Board of Directors.
Article 11: This resolution shall take effect from March 30, 2018.
(Please refer to the attached files) HOSE