LHG: Report on change of the use of proceeds from public offering Long Hau Corporation has announced the change of the use of proceeds from the public offering as follows:
I. Result of public offering:
1) Name of stock: Long Hau Corporation
2) Stock type: common stock
3) Par value: VND 10,000/share
4) Offering volume: 23,929,383 shares
5) Beginning date: August 25, 2017
6) Ending date: November 14, 2017
II. Report on the change of the use of proceeds from the public offering:
- The proceeds from the public offering in 2017 to increase its charter capital and purpose of the offering:
+ According to the Resolution No.01/2017/NQ-LHC-ĐHĐCĐ dated January 10, 2017 on approving to use the proceeds to invest in Long Hau 3 Industrial Park project (level of compensation for ground clearance). Now, the company adjusts the purpose of the offering:
+ According to the Resolution No.01/2018/NQ-LHC-ĐHĐCĐ dated March 28, 2018 on approving to use the proceeds to invest in Long Hau 3 Industrial Park project (Phase 1) HOSE