Thursday, 19/04/2018 17:20

ASD: Invitation letter to the annual General Meeting of Shareholders 2018

On 12/04/2018, Songda-Hanoi Joint Stock Company invited shareholders to the annual General Meeting of Shareholders 2018 as follows:

  1. Time: 8h30 Thursday, 26/04/2018
  2. Address: Conference of the Company – Song Da Building, Pham Hung Street, My Dinh I Ward, Nam Tu Liem District, Hanoi
  3. Contents:
- Reports of Board of Directors and Board of General Manager on operating result of 2017 and plan for 2018
- Report of Supervisory Board
- Approve the audited FS 2017 and select auditor for the FS 2018
- Report on the remuneration for the Board of Directors and Supervisory Board of 2017 and 2018
- Plan on distributing profit of 2017
- Elect additionally for members of Board of Directors
- Other contents
  1. Participants
- Members of Board of Directors, Members of Supervisory Board and entire shareholders of the Company as at record date 19/03/2018
- Shareholders who cannot participate in the meeting can authorize other persons
  1. Registration for attendance
- Shareholders must register for attendance by sending confirmation letter and authorization letter (If any) to the Company by post, fax: 0462.659.528 or phone 0462.659.598 or 0989 375 537 – Mr. Do Giap Ty
- Documents of the annual General Meeting of Shareholders 2018 were posted on
- Shareholders participating in the annual General Meeting of Shareholders 2018 have to present ID card, invitation letter and authorization letter (if any)



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>   SAM: Resolution on the 2018 AGM (19/04/2018)

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>   PPP: Documents for General Meeting of Shareholders (19/04/2018)

>   SFG: Board resolution on business plan for QII.2018 (19/04/2018)

>   HVX: Announcement of business plan for 2018 (19/04/2018)

>   SGD: Financial Statement Quarter 1/2018 (holding company) (19/04/2018)

>   STC: Financial Statement Quarter 1/2018 (holding company) (19/04/2018)

>   THB: Financial Statement Quarter 1/2018 (19/04/2018)

>   THB: Financial Statement Quarter 1/2018 (holding company) (19/04/2018)

>   TMC: Financial Statement Quarter 1/2018 (19/04/2018)

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