HAR: Resolution of Annual General Meeting 2018 An Duong Thao Dien Real Estate Trading Investment Joint Stock Company (HAR) announces the Resolution of Annual General Meeting 2018 dated March 20, 2018:
1) Approving the document on the capital increase on the Company’s business license from VND967,765,350,000 to VND1,013,501,000,000.
2) Approving the report of the Board of Directors regarding the business performance in 2017 and business plan for 2018.
3) Approving the report of Board of Supervisors.
4) Approving the remuneration of Board of Directors and Board of Supervisors in 2017 and 2018:
- Remuneration of Board of Supervisors and Board of Supervisors in 2018: 2% of profit after tax.
5) Approving to authorize the Board of Supervisors or Board of Directors to choose an audit company for HAR in 2018.
6) Approving the amendment to the Company’s Charter.
7) Approving the document on corporate governance rule. HOSE