FCN: Approving the result of public offering On March 09, 2018, the Board of Directors of Fecon Corporation approved the result of public offering according to Certificate No.92/GCN-UBCK dated December 29, 2017, specifically as follows:
- Number of shares expected to be issued: 33,000,000 shares
- Number of distributed shares: 33,000,000 shares; in which:
+ Stock issuance to existing shareholders: 32,507,809 shares;
+ Stock issuance to other investors: 492,191 shares (number of unregistered shares by the existing shareholders).
- Number of undistributed shares: 0 share
- Offering price: 15,000 dongs/share
- Total proceeds from the offering: VND494,999,505,574
- Total net proceeds after the public offering: VND492,596,255,574 HOSE