VAF: Results of audited 2016 FS by Government Auditor On January 06, 2018, Van Dien Fused Magnesium Phosphate Fertilizer Joint Stock Company announces the result of audited 2016 financial statements by Government Auditor, specifically as follows:
- Profit before tax increased VND1,623,780,069:
- Cause for increase:
+ Allocation of warehouse rental cost in 2016: VND2,328,739,050.
+ Allocation of guarantee cost in 2016: VND168,144,445.
- Cause for decrease:
+ Depreciation of the NPK No. 2 mixing system: VND106,071,000
+ The costs incurred by the NPK Pacific project correspond to the state compensation costs: VND495,232,426.
+ Advertising cost: VND271,800,000.
2. Corporate income tax increased VND324,756,014.
3. Profit after tax increased VND1,299,024,055. HOSE