HAH: BODs Resolution on stock offering Hai An Transport and Stevedoring Joint Stock Company announced Resolution No.0101-2018/NQ-HĐQT dated January 03, 2018 as follows:
1) Approving to implement a plan for the stock issuance to increase charter capital:
- Stock name: Hai An Transport and Stevedoring Joint Stock Company
- Stock code: HAH
- Stock type: common share
- Par value: 10,000 dongs
- Numbe of outstanding shares: 33,934,765 shares
- Number of shares expected to be issued: 16,967,382 shares
- Use purpose: to allocate investment:
+ Investment projects on building warehouses and port services at Tan Phuoc commune, Tan Thanh district, Ba Ria – Vung Tau province with total investment preparation stage is 50 billion dongs.
+ The establishment of joint ventures with foreign with charter capital of 15,000,000 USD ; in which HAH contributed 7,650,000 USD (170 billion dongs), equivalent to 51% charter capital.
+ To invest in tractors for domestic transportation with total investment from 20 billion dongs to 30 billion dongs.
+ Invest in new containers to transport food from 10 billion dongs to 20 billion dongs.
- Exercise ratio: 2:1 (The shareholder who owns 01 share will receive 01 right, and with every 02 rights will be entitled to purchase 01 share.)
- Time of implementation: Q1.2018
- How to deal with fractional shares: The number of newly issued shares bought by each existing shareholder will be rounded down. The fractional shares and the shares refused to buy (if any) will be decided by the Board of Directors.
2) Approving the stock offering registration documents to existing shareholders. HOSE