TLH: BODs Resolution on the first 2017 cash dividend
On December 19, 2017, the Board of Directors of Tien Len Steel Corporation Joint - Stock Company approved to pay first cash dividend for 2017 as follows:
- Exercise ratio: 5% (500 dongs/share)
- Payment date: February 2018.
- Record date: January 05, 2018.
> VNM: The record date for the first phase of 2017 dividend payment (22/12/2017)
> KMR: KMR completes the payment of administrative penalty (22/12/2017)
> DPG: Notice of record date for Dividend payment in cash and for a ballot (22/12/2017)
> QHD: Notice of record date for dividend payment in cash (22/12/2017)
> DHG: The record date for second cash dividend payment for 2017 (21/12/2017)
> SDA: Change in the payment date of the dividend payment (21/12/2017)
> VAT: Notice of record date for share dividend payment (21/12/2017)
> SGC: Notice of record date for dividend payment (21/12/2017)
> CHP: Notice of stock issuance for dividend payment (21/12/2017)