CET: Financial Statement Quarter 3/2017
CTCP Tech - Vina announced the company's Financial Statement Quarter 3/2017.
> DGC: Financial Statement Quarter 3/2017 (24/10/2017)
> HCT: Financial Statement Quarter 3/2017 (24/10/2017)
> HVA: Financial Statement Quarter 3/2017 (24/10/2017)
> C69: Financial Statement Quarter 3/2017 (24/10/2017)
> CTA: Financial Statement Quarter 3/2017 (24/10/2017)
> BLF: Financial Statement Quarter 3/2017 (24/10/2017)
> PCM: Board minute on using assets as collaterals for the credit giving at Vietinbank – Hanoi Western Branch (24/10/2017)
> PCM: Board minute on borrowing, guarantying, opening credit letter, discounting and warranting for credit at Vietinbank – Hanoi Western Branch (24/10/2017)
> HBH: Explanation for the difference in financial statement QIII.2017 year on year (24/10/2017)
> L63: Notice of use of the proceeds from share issue to raise charter capital from VND 30,000,000,000 to VND 61,182,580,000 (24/10/2017)