C21: Financial Statement Quarter 3/2017 (holding company)
Century 21 Joint Stock Company announced the company's Financial Statement Quarter 3/2017 of holding company.
> CCT: Financial Statement Quarter 3/2017 (31/10/2017)
> AMS: Financial Statement Quarter 3/2017 (holding company) (31/10/2017)
> BDT: Financial Statement Quarter 3/2017 (31/10/2017)
> BDT: Financial Statement Quarter 3/2017 (holding company) (31/10/2017)
> AMS: Financial Statement Quarter 3/2017 (31/10/2017)
> PSN: Financial Statement Quarter 3/2017 (31/10/2017)
> GIL: Approving the Financial statement in Q3.2017 (31/10/2017)
> QTC: Explanation for the difference in financial statement QIII.2017 year on year (31/10/2017)
> FUCTVGF1: NAV from 20 Oct 2017 to 26 Oct 2017 (31/10/2017)
> KSB: KSB received Business License of KSB Industrial Development Com.Ltd (31/10/2017)