KLF: Board Resolution
> TMG: Board Resolution (22/09/2017)
> SMB: Consulting shareholders via a ballot (22/09/2017)
> VTG: Explanation for the auditor's qualified opinion in FS of first 6 months of 2017 (22/09/2017)
> SAS: Change in number of outstanding shares (22/09/2017)
> MSN: BOD Resolution of buying back shares to treasury (22/09/2017)
> SAC: Notice of record date for a ballot (22/09/2017)
> TPP: Warnning about violations in the market (22/09/2017)
> Điểm tin giao dịch 22.09.2017 (22/09/2017)
> DNL: Change in number of outstanding shares (22/09/2017)
> Market Summary 22.09.2017 (22/09/2017)