Monday, 14/08/2017 14:26

VIS: BODs Resolution on unsold shares handle

On August 10, 2017, BODs of Viet Nam – Italy Steel Joint Stock Company approved to handle the unsold shares and fractional shares as follows:

1)    Approving the result of stock issuance to existing shareholders:

-          Number of share issued:                 24,610,131 shares

-          Number of distributed shares:        24,268,929 shares

-          Number of unsold shares:                    340,988 shares

-          Number of fractional shares for round:       214 shares

-          Number of fractional shares and unsold shares: 341,202 shares

2)    Approving the unsold shares offering and fractional shares:

-          Number of distributed shares:  341,202 shares

-          Offering price: 15,000 dongs/share

-          Time for settlement: before August 12, 2017

-          Time for transfer restriction: within 1 year as from the date of issuing.

-          Settlement method:

+ Account holder:  Viet Nam – Italy Steel Joint Stock Company

+ No. Account: 46610 00 0566543 at Joint Stock Commercial Bank for Investment and Development of Vietnam  - Bac Hung Yen Branch.


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