TIE: Notice of the AGM
Telecommunications Industry Electronics Joint Stock Company announces the 2017 annual shareholders’ meeting (AGM)
Meeting date: 8:00 am, August 18, 2017 (Friday)
Meeting venue: 165 Nam Ky Khoi Nghia Guest house.
For meeting documents, please visit Company’s website: http://tie.com/vi/co-dong/dai-hoi-thuong-nien/dai-hoi-nam-2017.html.
> HAG: Announcement of changes in business license (08/08/2017)
> ATG: Branch Director appointment (08/08/2017)
> NKG: Announcement of changes in business license (08/08/2017)
> TTF: TTF allowed to extend the submission of financial statements (08/08/2017)
> VE4: Reviewed financial statement 2017 (08/08/2017)
> VE3: Reviewed financial statement 2017 (08/08/2017)
> VLA: Reviewed financial statement 2017 (08/08/2017)
> VHL: Reviewed financial statement 2017 (08/08/2017)
> VHL: Reviewed financial statement 2017 (holding company) (08/08/2017)
> TTD: Explanation for Difference in financial statement in Quarter II 2017 year on year (08/08/2017)