LTC: Financial Statement 2016 (consolidated)
> TOP: Financial Statement Quarter 2/2017 (04/08/2017)
> VFC: Financial Statement Quarter 2/2017 (04/08/2017)
> SDI: Financial Statement Quarter 2/2017 (04/08/2017)
> CVN: Explanation for the difference in the audited business result of quarter 2.2017 year on year (03/08/2017)
> HLY: Reviewed financial statement 2017 (03/08/2017)
> HAD: Reviewed financial statement 2017 (03/08/2017)
> CTP: Reviewed financial statement 2017 (holding company) (03/08/2017)
> CTP: Reviewed financial statement 2017 (03/08/2017)
> API: Financial Statement Quarter 2/2017 (holding company) (03/08/2017)
> ADP: Reviewed financial statement 2017 (03/08/2017)