TVS: Change of personnel
Thien Viet Securities Joint Stock Company announced personnel change as follows:
Ms. Le Thanh Loan has replaced Mr. Luong Quang Hung as the authorized information disclosure staff of Thien Viet Securities Joint Stock Company from August 05, 2016.
> TVSC: Change of personnel (08/08/2016)
> TCSC: Change of personnel (08/08/2016)
> ACBS: Change of personnel (08/08/2016)
> SMA: Change of personnel (08/08/2016)
> STK: Change of personnel (09/08/2016)
> DTL: Change of personnel (09/08/2016)
> MSN: Change of personnel (09/08/2016)
> ASEAN SECURITIES: Change of personnel (09/08/2016)
> DAT: Change of personnel (10/08/2016)
> HRS: Change of personnel (10/08/2016)