SZL: BODs Resolution on the first 2017 cash dividend
On July 07, 2017, BODs of Sonadezi Long Thanh Shareholding Company approved to pay first cash dividend for 2017 as follows:
- Record date: expected in Q3.2017
- Exercise ratio: 10% (1,000 dongs/share)
- Payment date: expected in Q3.2017
> KDC: BODs Resolution on the cash dividend for 2016 (10/07/2017)
> PET: Record date for second 2016 cash dividend (10/07/2017)
> POS: Notice of record date for Dividend payment in cash (10/07/2017)
> KTL: Notice of record date for Dividend payment in cash (10/07/2017)
> QCG: The record date for the first cash dividend payment 2016 (10/07/2017)
> NAG: Notice of record date for cash dividend payment (10/07/2017)
> SGR: Result of the share issuance for dividend payment of 2016 (10/07/2017)
> AGX: Notice of record date for Dividend payment and EGM (08/07/2017)