SII: SII requests for delay the disclosure of financial statements
Sai Gon Water Infrastructure Corporation sent documents to HOSE to request to delay the disclosure of quarterly financial statements within 30 days from the last day of quarter, semi-annual financial statements within 60 days from the last day of first six months.
> BHN: BHN requests for delay the disclosure of financial statements (19/01/2017)
> AAA: AAA approved to delay the disclosure of financial statements (19/01/2017)
> DRL: BODs Resolution on the 2017 AGM (19/01/2017)
> LDG: Dissolution of Hanoi branch (19/01/2017)
> DRL: Notice of record date for 2017 AGM implementing rights (19/01/2017)
> TAC: TAC announces the 2017 AGM (19/01/2017)
> ITC: Board approves the policy on the establishment of subsidiaries (19/01/2017)
> SMC: Resolution on the company’s business result in 2016 & plans for 2017 (19/01/2017)
> TSC: TSC withdraws capital from TSC Agricultural Medicine JSC (19/01/2017)
> CHP: BODs approved to submit some of contents to General Meeting of Shareholders (20/01/2017)