RDP: Announcement of the change of listing On March 18, 2016, HOSE issued Announcement No.352/TB-SGDHCM regarding the change of listing of RangDong Plastic Joint-Stock Company (stock code: RDP) as follows:
- Additional listing volume: 2,441,727 shares
- Reason of change: This is the number of shares issued to the Employee Stock Ownership Plan (ESOP).
- Total listing volume after change: 18,133,841 shares
- Total listing value after change (based on par value): VND181,338,410,000
- Effective date of the listing license: March 18, 2016
- Official trading date:
+ Shares are transferable (2,241,421 shares): March 30, 2016
+ Shares are restricted from transfer within 01 year (200,306 shares) in which:
200,000 shares issued from the ESOP: January 27, 2017
306 shares issued from the owner’s capital: January 31, 2017. HOSE