LCM: Requests for a delay in the disclosure of financial statements
Lao Cai Mineral Exploitation and Processing Joint Stock Company sent documents to HOSE to request to delay the disclosure of its financial statements in 2017 as follows:
- For the quarterly financial statements: within 30 days from the last day of quarter;
- For the reviewed semi-annual financial statements: within 60 days from the last day of first six months;
- For the audited annual financial statements: within 100 days from the ending date of fiscal year.
However, the request of LCMwill have to be reviewed and approved in writing by the State Securities Commission.
> CMV: Approved to delay the disclosure of financial statements (25/04/2017)
> FCN: Requests for a delay in the disclosure of financial statements (25/04/2017)
> BCG: Allowed to delay AGM 2017 (25/04/2017)
> PTL: Notice of record date cancellation of 2017 AGM (25/04/2017)
> ACL: Record date for Annual General Meeting 2017 (25/04/2017)
> SMA: Notice of 2012 cash dividend & holding of 2017 AGM (25/04/2017)
> SPM: Change of time for holding of AGM 2017 (25/04/2017)
> NNC: Correction of Report No.04 of 2017 AGM Resolution (25/04/2017)
> HSG: Announcement of changes in the 27th business license (25/04/2017)
> IDI: Notice of the holding of the 2017 AGM (25/04/2017)