L10: Board Resolution on Additional Listing
Lilama 10 Joint Stock Company announced Board Resolution No.35 dated July 18, 2016 as follows:
> ST8: Decision on the change of listing (18/07/2016)
> DMC: Announcement of the change of listing (19/07/2016)
> E1VFVN30: Announcement of the change of listing (19/07/2016)
> FAROS.,CORP: HOSE receives the listing registration documents (19/07/2016)
> SACOMREAL: HOSE receives the listing registration documents (19/07/2016)
> DRC: Decision on the change of listing (20/07/2016)
> BHS: Announcement of the change of listing (20/07/2016)
> E1VFVN30: Announcement of the change of listing (20/07/2016)
> VNM: Notice of first interim dividend 2016 & listing of additional shares (22/07/2016)
> ST8: Announcement of the change of listing (21/07/2016)