HOSE: Workshop on “Governmental Divestment and Trading, Listing registraion on Stock Market”
On 25th October 2016, Hochiminh Stock Exchange (HOSE) and State Capital Investment Corporation (SCIC) co-hosted the workshop on “Governmental divestment and trading, listing registration on stock market” at Exchange Tower, Hochiminh City.
> TMT: Decision on the change of listing (26/10/2016)
> E1VFVN30: Announcement of the change of listing (27/10/2016)
> BSI: Decision on the change of listing (31/10/2016)
> DHM: Decision on the change of listing (01/11/2016)
> HID: Decision on the change of listing (01/11/2016)
> HOSE: Invitation to roadshow PC1 listing (04/11/2016)
> FPTS: Resolution approved a record date for listing shares registration (02/11/2016)
> Thai Duong Petrol.,JSC: HOSE receives the listing registration documents (03/11/2016)
> MHC: Decision on the change of listing (07/11/2016)
> SAV: Decision on the change of listing (07/11/2016)