EIC: Change in personnel
EVN International Joint Stock Company announces as following: - Appointed: Mr. Le Vu Ninh - Position: Deputy General Manager - Appointed: Ms. Pham Thi Thuy - Position: Chief Accountant - Effective date: 11/04/2017 - Resigned: Mr. Hoang Xuan Quy - Position: Director - Resigned: Mr. Hoang Xuan Quy - Position: Deputy General Manager - Resigned: Mr. Hoang Xuan Quy - Position: Chief Accountant - Effective date: 11/07/2017
> VCB: A Member of Board of Directors retires (14/07/2017)
> MIC: Directorate Change (14/07/2017)
> HTV: Chief Accountant appointment & payment time (14/07/2017)
> APC: Personnel change (14/07/2017)
> AMD: Change of the authorized of spokesman (14/07/2017)
> XPH: Change in personnel (13/07/2017)
> PVR: Change in Supervisory Board (13/07/2017)
> NBB: Notice of change of personnel (13/07/2017)
> DVP: CEO appointment (13/07/2017)
> ACM: Founding the representative (13/07/2017)