DRH: Report on Corporate Governance of listing company (Year 2016)
Report on Corporate Governance of listing company (Year 2016) of Dream House Investment Corporation as follows:
> GHC: HOSE receives the listing registration documents (17/01/2017)
> Thaiduong Petrol Joint Stock Company: Thaiduong Petrol revokes its listing documents (18/01/2017)
> VJ: HOSE receives the listing registration documents (18/01/2017)
> AAA: Decision on the change of listing (18/01/2017)
> DIG: Decision on the change of listing (18/01/2017)
> AAA: Announcement of the change of listing (19/01/2017)
> HOSE: The ceremony of listing decision and welcome the official trading day of Hanoi Beer Alcohol and Beverage Joint Stock Corp shares (19/01/2017)
> DIG: Announcement of the change of listing (20/01/2017)
> E1VFVN30: Announcement of the change of listing (20/01/2017)
> BCG: Announcement of the change of listing (23/01/2017)