CTC: Result of transaction of connected person (Hoang Thi Kim Hieu)
- Name of issuer : CTC Gia Lai Joint Stock Company - Stock code: CTC - Securities type: Common stock - Name of person connected with a person discharging managerial responsibility (PDMR)/Director: Hoang Thi Kim Hieu - Name of connected person: Nguyen Minh Ngoc - Position in the listed company: Deputy General Director - Relation between connected person and PDMR/Director: wife - Number of shares held by connected person/ institution before transaction: 100 shares - Number of shares registered for acquisition: 100,000 shares - Number of shares acquired: 0 share - Total holding following transaction: 100 shares - Total percentage holding following transaction: 0% - Reason for not completing transaction: financial reason - Start date of transaction: 06/06/2017 - End date of transaction: 30/06/2017
> HBE: Change in shareholding of major shareholder - KHANG HO GMBH (10/07/2017)
> HHC: Notice of transactions of Directors, PDMR (Nguyen Viet Ha) (10/07/2017)
> HHC: Notice of transactions of Directors, PDMR (Nguyen Thi Thuy Hong) (10/07/2017)
> HBE: Change in shareholding of principal shareholder (Khang Holdings Co., Ltd) (10/07/2017)
> DL1: Change in shareholding of principal shareholder (Vu Thi Hai) (10/07/2017)
> CEO: Notice of transaction of share purchase rights of connected person/ institution (POST AND TELECOMMUNICATION FINANCE COMPANY LIMITED) (10/07/2017)
> VNT: Notice of transactions of Directors, PDMR (Do Thi Thu Hien) (10/07/2017)
> TTZ: Result of transactions of Directors, PDMR (Dang Ngoc Thong) (10/07/2017)
> TNG: Result of transactions of Directors, PDMR (Ly Thi Lien) (10/07/2017)
> ATA: Notice of transactions of Directors, PDMR (Nguyen Thanh Son) (10/07/2017)