CSM: Violation of information disclosure of internal shareholder
Violation of information disclosure requirement of an insider trading in The Southern Rubber Industry Joint Stock Company as follows:
Mr. Pham Van Tho, a member of the BOD, bought 10,000 CSM shares from November 09, 2015 to November 17, 2015 but he did not announce the transaction.
> STK: Report on Outstanding Voting Shares (27/11/2015)
> HAH: HAH signs an Auditing Contract (27/11/2015)
> E1VFVN30: Basket of component securities _ 27 Nov 2015 (27/11/2015)
> MDG: Notification insider trade (30/11/2015)
> VIC: Report on Outstanding Voting Shares (30/11/2015)
> SKG: Report on Outstanding Voting Shares (30/11/2015)
> KSA: Report on Outstanding Voting Shares (30/11/2015)
> DRC: The record date for seeking shareholders’ approval (30/11/2015)
> GMD: GMD changes the trading date of additional shares (30/11/2015)
> SKG: information on the Appendix Articles of Association (30/11/2015)