PCN: Explanation for Difference in Profit in 2016
> X18: Financial Statement FY 2016 (05/05/2017)
> OCH: Financial Statement Quarter 1/2017 (holding company) (04/05/2017)
> HKT: Financial Statement Quarter 1/2017 (04/05/2017)
> PEN: General Meeting of Shareholders 2017 (04/05/2017)
> PEN: Explanation for the difference in the after-tax profit before and after audit (04/05/2017)
> FID: Board Resolution on extending the date of holding the 2017 Annual General Meeting (04/05/2017)
> SDD: The explanation for the qualified opinion and difference in the profit (04/05/2017)
> VCG: General Meeting of Shareholders Mandate of 2017 (04/05/2017)
> CVN: Explanation for the difference in the after-tax profit of quarter 1.2017 year on year (04/05/2017)
> ALV: Explanation for differences in financial statements of QI_2017 year on year as follows (04/05/2017)