GER: The announcement on holding Annual General Meeting of Shareholders 2017 On 17/04/2017, Geru Star Sport Joint Stock Company announced
holding Annual General Meeting of Shareholders 2017as follows:
1. Time: 8.00 am on
Friday, 28th April, 2017.
2. Location:
Hall of Geru Star Sport Joint Stock Company
(Address: 1/1 Tan Ky Tan Quy, Son Ky Ward, Tan Phu
District, Ho Chi Minh City).
3. Contents:
-Report on business performance in 2016 and business plan
in 2017.
-Report of Board of Directors in 2016 and direction of
Board of Directors in 2017.
-The 2016 audited financial statements.
- Report on inspection of business activities in 2016 and
direction of operation in 2017 of the Supervisory Board.
- Profit and dividend distribution plan in 2016.
- Approval of selection of Auditor for the Financial
Statements in 2017.
-Report on the remuneration of the Board of Directors,
the Supervisory Board in 2016 and the plan in 2017.
-Report to amend the Articles of association.
-Approval of other issues as prescribed.
v When
attending the Meeting, the shareholders shall be kindly requested to present
the Invitation Letter; ID card; Power of attorney (if any); Letter of
introduction if being on behalf of the organization.
v For
convenience of the organization of the Meeting, the shareholders are requested
to confirm your attendance or send the Power of attorney (the attached form) before
4.00 pm on 24th April, 2017 at the following address:
Star Sport Joint Stock Company
1/1 Tan Ky Tan Quy, Son Ky Ward, TaPhu District, Ho Chi Minh City
Mrs. Tran Thi Minh - Organization &
Administration Department
(08) 38425.110 Fax: (08)
38425.008 Mobile: 0903.827.079
Ø All
information about the Meeting materials is posted on the company's website:
Ø All
expenses for accommodation, travel and other expenses are paid by Shareholders. HNX