C92: Explanation for Difference in Profit after tax before and after Auditing
> SD5: Announcement of Convening Annual General Meeting of Shareholders 2017 (11/04/2017)
> LHC: Explanation for the difference in financial statement 2016 year on year - holding company (11/04/2017)
> VMI: Explanation for the difference in financial statement 2016 year on year (11/04/2017)
> VGG: Financial Statement FY 2016 (11/04/2017)
> VCA: General Meeting of Shareholders of 2017 (11/04/2017)
> VGG: Financial Statement FY 2016 (holding company) (11/04/2017)
> TL4: Document for Annual General Meeting of Shareholders 2017 (11/04/2017)
> D11: Notice of date of dividend payment and holding AGM 2017 (11/04/2017)
> RCL: Explanation for the difference in financial statement 2016 year on year (11/04/2017)
> VXB: Explanation for the difference in financial statement 2016 before and after auditing (11/04/2017)