IPA: Financial Statement Quarter 4/2016 (holding company)
I.P.A INVESTIMENT GROUP JOINT STOCK COMPANY announced the company's Financial Statement Quarter 4/2016 of holding company.
> MSR: Financial Statement Quarter 4/2016 (holding company) (06/02/2017)
> MSR: Financial Statement Quarter 4/2016 (06/02/2017)
> IPA: Financial Statement Quarter 4/2016 (06/02/2017)
> IFS: Financial Statement Quarter 4/2016 (holding company) (06/02/2017)
> Financial statements for quarter 4/2016 (06/02/2017)
> C21: Financial Statement Quarter 4/2016 (consolidated) (06/02/2017)
> CTW: Financial Statement Quarter 4/2016 (06/02/2017)
> HPW: Financial Statement Quarter 4/2016 (06/02/2017)
> C21: Financial Statement Quarter 4/2016 (holding company) (06/02/2017)
> VDL: Financial Statement Quarter 4/2016 (06/02/2017)