DNM: Board Resolution
> TKC: Decision of the handling of tax violation (09/12/2016)
> CJC: Board Resolution (09/12/2016)
> VNB: Signing a contract with auditor for fiscal year 2016 (09/12/2016)
> QBR: Notice of record date for a ballot (09/12/2016)
> VTG: Signing a contract with auditor for fiscal year 2016 (09/12/2016)
> HNX: HNX: Upcom Admission of Lao Cai Road Joint Stock Company (09/12/2016)
> IBC: Extraordinary General Mandate (09/12/2016)
> GEX: Board Resolution (09/12/2016)
> GHC: Board Resolution (09/12/2016)
> BTW: Notice of signing the appendix of the contract with Saigon Water Corporation (09/12/2016)