GEX: Financial Statement Quarter 3/2016 (holding company)
Vietnam Electrical Equipment Joint Stock Corporation announced the company's Financial Statement Quarter 3/2016 of holding company.
> KSV: Financial Statement Quarter 3/2016 (04/11/2016)
> KSV: Financial Statement Quarter 3/2016 (holding company) (04/11/2016)
> DDM: Financial Statement Quarter 3/2016 (04/11/2016)
> GEX: Financial Statement Quarter 3/2016 (04/11/2016)
> MTM: Invitation to annual General Meeting of Shareholders 2016 (04/11/2016)
> MTM: Notice of 2nd failure of calling annual General Meeting of Shareholders 2016 (04/11/2016)
> HU4: Explanation for the difference in financial statement Q.III/ 2016 year on year (04/11/2016)
> FCC: Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders 2016 (04/11/2016)
> TTB: Financial Statement Quarter 3/2016 (03/11/2016)
> TDN: Change in Business Registration Certificate (03/11/2016)