Financial statements for quarter 3/2016
Saigon Securities Inc Financial statements for quarter 3/2016
> Financial statements for quarter 3/2016 (02/11/2016)
> HDA: Financial Statement Quarter 3/2016 (holding company) (02/11/2016)
> G20: Financial Statement Quarter 3/2016 (02/11/2016)
> HDA: Financial Statement Quarter 3/2016 (02/11/2016)
> L62: Financial Statement Quarter 3/2016 (02/11/2016)
> VC2: The explanation for the difference in the Holding Company\u2019s after-tax profit of Quarter III.2016 year on year (02/11/2016)
> VC2: Explanation for the difference in the consolidated after-tax profit of Quar (02/11/2016)
> SDD: Explanation for the difference in profit after tax of Quarter III.2016 year on year (02/11/2016)
> PTE: Explanation for the difference in financial statement QIII. 2016 year on year (02/11/2016)
> SDI: Financial Statement Quarter 3.2016 (02/11/2016)