ADP: UPCoM Admission of additional shares
On 07/11/2016, HNX officially admitted the trading registration of additional shares of ADP on UPCoM as follows:
· Issuer: A Dong Paint Joint Stock Company
· Stock code: ADP
· Securities type: common stock
· Total volume of additional shares registered for trading on UPCoM: 5,759,940 shares
· Total par value of additional shares registered for trading on UPCoM: VND 57,599,40,000
> VHH: UPCoM Admission of additional shares (11/11/2016)
> NCS: Notice of record date for a ballot (10/11/2016)
> ND2: Board Resolution (10/11/2016)
> NDP: General Mandate 2016 (10/11/2016)
> MPT: Change in number of outstanding shares (10/11/2016)
> NET: Board Resolution (10/11/2016)
> NGC: Board Resolution (10/11/2016)
> CI5: Notice of eliminating the right of share purchase and refund (10/11/2016)
> TPS: Signing a contract with auditor for fiscal year 2016 (10/11/2016)
> BLI: Notice of issuing shares to the public (10/11/2016)