HTC: Board Resolution
> V11: Board Resolution (24/08/2016)
> VES: Board Resolution (24/08/2016)
> VLC: Explanation for the audit\u2019s note of the first 06 months of 2016 (24/08/2016)
> PTM: Board Resolution (24/08/2016)
> VMI: Board Resolution (24/08/2016)
> DBT: Board Resolution (24/08/2016)
> LIG: Board Resolution (24/08/2016)
> MST: Corporate Governance Report (first 06 months) (24/08/2016)
> LM7: Explanation for the difference in semi-annual FS.2016 (23/08/2016)
> CPC: Explanation for the difference in FS first 6 months 2016 before and after auditing (23/08/2016)