DZM: Alert on DZM removed
Pursuant to Listing Regulations at HNX attached to Decision No.18/QĐ-SGDHN dated 17/01/2014, on 01/04/2015, HNX announces that the alert has been removed from following stock:
- Issuer: Dzi An Manufacturing Public Limited Company
- Stock code: DZM
- Reason: profit after tax in the Reviewed financial statement 2016 is positive
> Sun Life Assurance buys out PVI stake (31/08/2016)
> TRS: UPCoM Admission of additional shares (31/08/2016)
> BBS: Explanation for the difference in the first 6 months of 2016 year on year (30/08/2016)
> KSD: Explanation for the difference in the first 6 months of 2016 year on year (30/08/2016)
> CCM: Explanation for the difference in the first 6 months of 2016 year on year (30/08/2016)
> BLF: Explanation for the difference in FS first 6 months 2016 before and after auditing (30/08/2016)
> MTM: Board Resolution (30/08/2016)
> IPA: Annual General Mandate 2016 (30/08/2016)
> HNX: HNX: Upcom Admission of Tan An Public Services Joint Stock Company (30/08/2016)