VE4: Notice of record date for dividend payment in cash
1. Issuer: VNECO4 Electricity Construction JSC 2. Stock code: VE43. Stock type: Common stock 4. Par value: VND10,000/share5. Record date: 10/06/20166. Ex-date: 09/06/20167. Reasons: * Dividend payment in cash for year 2015 - Exercise rate: 16%/share (shareholders receiver VND 1,600 for every 01 share they own) - Exercise date: 30/06/2016 - Place of payment: + For deposited shares: securities companies where shares of shareholders have been deposited. + For undeposited shares: VNECO4 Electricity Construction JSC on working days from 30/06/2016 . Identification Card (original copy) is required.
> TBD: Notice of record date for dividend payment in cash (02/06/2016)
> TV2: Information disclosure on issuing shares to pay dividend 2015 (02/06/2016)
> NDP: Notice of record date for Dividend payment in cash for year 2015 (02/06/2016)
> BCP: Notice of record date for Dividend payment in cash for year 2015 (02/06/2016)
> IN4: Notice of record date for Dividend payment in cash for year 2015 - 2nd round (02/06/2016)
> V12: Notice of record date for dividend payment in cash (02/06/2016)
> PMB: Notice of record date for cash dividend payment (01/06/2016)