TIS: Explanation on difference in business and production result Quarter I 2016 year on year
> S33: Change in the accounting period (27/06/2016)
> HTP: Signing of auditing contract for FS 2016 (27/06/2016)
> SMN: Signing a contract with auditor for fiscal year 2016 (27/06/2016)
> IDV: Announcement on the record date (24/06/2016)
> SHA: Board Resolution (24/06/2016)
> TMX: Board Resolution (24/06/2016)
> VNF: Divestment in S5 Asia Company Limited (24/06/2016)
> Change in company's address (24/06/2016)
> VDL: Board Resolution (24/06/2016)
> HTC: Decision on record date to receive bonus shares (24/06/2016)