PEN: Notice of record date for Dividend payment in cash for year 2015
1. Issuer: Petrolimex Installation No.III Joint Stock Company2. Stock code: PEN3. Stock type: Common stock4. Par value: VND10,000/share5. Record date: 06/07/20166. Ex-date: 05/07/20167. Reasons: Dividend payment in cash for year 2015 - Exercise rate: 10% (shareholders will receive VND1,000 for every share they own)
> VMS: Notice of record date for Dividend payment in cash (23/06/2016)
> HHG: Notice of record date for Dividend payment (23/06/2016)
> SD9: Notice of the share issuance for the dividend payment (22/06/2016)
> MAC: Result of issuing shares to pay dividend from undistributed after-tax profit (22/06/2016)
> DCD: Notice of record date for Dividend payment in cash for year 2015 (21/06/2016)
> VDL: Report on the share issuance for dividend payment (21/06/2016)
> QHD: Issuing shares for the dividend payment (20/06/2016)