Wednesday, 18/05/2016 17:45

PXA: Invitation to the annual General Meeting of Shareholders 2016

On 16/05/2016, Petrovietnam – Nghe An Investment & Trading Joint Stock Company announced the invitation to the annual General Meeting of Shareholders 2016 as follows:

1. Time: 7h30 11h30, Tuesday, May 31st of 2016

2. Location: The Hall of the Company, 24th floor, Nghe An Petroleum Building, No. 7, Quang Trung, Vinh City, Nghe An City

3. Participant: Entire shareholders of PVIT according to the list as at record date

4. Contents:

- Operating result of 2015, operating plan for 2016; reports on project implemented in 2015 and investment plan for 2016

- Reports of Board of Directors and Supervisory Board of 2015

- Select auditor for the FS 2016 of the Company

- Other contents

5. Confirmation: Shareholders have to confirm their participation by sending confirmation letter or authorization letter (in case of authorization) directly to the Head Office of the Company (of Fax) before 16h00 of 30/05/2016

6. Shareholders and authorized persons participating in the annual General Meeting of Shareholders 2016 have to bring the following documents:

- Invitation letter

- ID card or passport

- Authorization letter (if any)

7. Other documents: confirmation letter and authorization letter, etc. were posted on the website:

8. For more detail, shareholders can contact:

Petrovietnam – Nghe An Investment & Trading Joint Stock Company

23 - 24th Floors Nghe An Petroleum, 7 Quang Trung Street, Quang Trung Ward, Vinh City, Nghe An Province

Tel.: 84-38 3.586 488                  Fax: 84-38 3.586 696


Or Duong Thanh Ngoc – 0915.129.899


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>   LTC: Financial Statement Quarter 1/2016 (holding company) (18/05/2016)

>   QTC: Extension of the annual General Meeting of Shareholders 2016 (18/05/2016)

>   LTC: Financial Statement Quarter 1/2016 (18/05/2016)

>   CT3: Extension of holding annual General Meeting of Shareholders 2016 (18/05/2016)

>   MIM: Financial Statement FY 2015 (18/05/2016)

>   QNC: Financial Statement Quarter 1/2016 (18/05/2016)

>   ATS: Financial Statement Quarter 1/2016 (18/05/2016)

>   KBE: Financial Statement Quarter 1/2016 (18/05/2016)

>   CNH: Notice of record date for Annual General Meeting of Shareholders 2016 (18/05/2016)

>   APG: Information disclosure on AGM 2016 (18/05/2016)

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