BSC: Notice of transaction of connected institution (Toanviet Invest Corp)
- Name of issuer: Ben Thanh Service Joint Stock Company - Stock code: BSC - Securities type: Common stock - Name of connected institution: Toanviet Invest Corp- Name of connected person: Bui Tuan Ngoc- Position in the listed company: Member of the B.O.D - Number of shares held by connected institution before transaction: 145,300 shares - Number of shares to be acquired: 200,000 shares - Purpose of transaction: Increase of shareholding- Expected Start date of transaction: 26/05/2016 - Expected End date of transaction: 24/06/2016
> CT6: Financial Statement Quarter 1/2016 (24/05/2016)
> CT6: Financial Statement Quarter 1/2016 (holding company) (24/05/2016)
> STS: Announcement on Annual General Meeting of shareholders 2016 (24/05/2016)
> SDE: Notice of convening Annual General Meeting of Shareholders 2016 (23/05/2016)
> DOP: Invitation to annual general meeting of shareholders 2016 (23/05/2016)
> VC6: Notice of record date for Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders 2016, dividend payment in cash (23/05/2016)
> PVB: Change in Business Registration Certificate (23/05/2016)
> VNP: Notice of record date for Annual General Meeting of Shareholders 2016 (23/05/2016)
> Financial statements for quarter 1/2016 (23/05/2016)
> NPH: Notice of record date for General Meeting of Shareholders 2016 (20/05/2016)