VTC: Alert on VTC removed
Pursuant to Listing Regulations at HNX attached to Decision No.18/QĐ-SGDHN dated 17/01/2014, on 31/03/2016, HNX announces that the alert has been removed from following stock:
- Issuer: VTC Telecommunications JSC
- Stock code: VTC
- Reason: profit after tax in the audited financial statement FY 2015 is positive
> SPP: Board Resolution on change in the BOD (04/04/2016)
> SDK: Annual General Mandate 2016 (04/04/2016)
> SSG: Annual Corporate Governance Report 2015 (04/04/2016)
> TNB: Annual General Mandate 2015 (04/04/2016)
> TOP: Board resolution (04/04/2016)
> WSB: Board Resolution (04/04/2016)
> . (01/04/2016)
> VNF: Board resolution (01/04/2016)
> SMN: The Letter of Attorney for carrying out Information Disclosure (01/04/2016)
> SDP: Annual General Mandate 2016 (01/04/2016)