PVE: Time and Place for Annual General Meeting of Shareholders 2016
Name of
the company: PetroVietnam Engineering Consultancy JSC
code: PVE
Reason: Annual
General Meeting of Shareholders 2016
time: 13h30, 22/04/2016
Place: Conference room, Floor 2, PVGas Building, No. 673 Nguyen Huu Tho, Phuoc Kien Ward, Nha Be District, Ho Chi Minh City
+ Report 2015, Plan 2016;
+ Report of the BOD 2015 and directions in 2016;
+ Audited financial statement 2015;
+ Remuneration for the BOD and Supervisory Board in 2015
and plan for 2016;
+ Report of Supervisory Board 2015 and plan for 2016;
+ Plan of profit distribution for 2015;
+ Amendment the company's charter;
+ Establishment of subsidiary in Malaysia;
+ Electing Members of the BOD and Supervisory Board term 2016
– 2020;
+ Seclecting auditor;
+ Other issues;
participants: Shareholders on the list
recorded on 18/03/2016. HNX