HNX: Official Admission of listing (MST)
On 22/04/2016, HNX officially admitted the listing of MST:
- Name of issuer: Contruction Joint Stock Company
- Stock code: MST
- Securities type: Common stock
- Total listed volume: 18,000,000 shares
> S12: 19/05/2016, Delisting of S12 (22/04/2016)
> SQC: 19/05/2016, Delisting of SQC (21/04/2016)
> B82: Official admission of additional listing of B82 (21/04/2016)
> HNX: 25/04/2016, First trading day of new stock on UPCoM (SGP) (19/04/2016)
> VC5: Explanation on the reason and solution of the cancelling of listing (15/04/2016)
> TNY: 25/04/2016, First trading day of additional trading registration shares (14/04/2016)
> CTN: Explanation for the delisting situation of the stock and solution (13/04/2016)
> GTH: 19/04/2016, First trading day of additional trading registration shares (13/04/2016)
> S12: Explanation for reason for the accumulated loss over charter capital and solutions to the delisting (12/04/2016)
> SRB: Explanation for the difference between the self-made financial statement and the audited financial statement and resolutions to overcome the delisting status (12/04/2016)