CEC: Invitation to the annual General Meeting of Shareholders 2016 On 11/04/2016, Chemical Industry Engineering Joint Stock Company announced
the invitation to the annual General Meeting of Shareholders 2016 as follows:
1. Time: 7h30, April 23th
of 2016
2. Location: 16nd
floor, The Hall of Hapro Building, No. 11B
Cat Linh, Hanoi
3. Contents:
- Approve the operating result of 2015 and plan for 2016
- Approve the plan on distributing profit of 2015
- Approve the audited FS 2015 of the Company
- Approve the reports of Board of Directors and Supervisory Board
- Elect additionally members of Board of Directors and Supervisory Board
- Approve the list of auditor for the FS of 2016 of the Company
- Other contents
4. Documents of the annual General
Meeting of Shareholders 2016: were posted on ceco.com.vn