Reference rate falls to lowest level
The State Bank of Viet Nam (SBV) on January 28 announced its reference rate of VND21,886 per US dollar.

The new rate fell by seven dong, compared with the previous day, to touch the lowest level since the SBV applied the central rate early this month.
This was the third consecutive fall of the central exchange rate this week, with a total reduction of 24 dong.
Commercial banks were allowed to apply the ceiling rate of VND22,542 and the floor rate of VND21,229 on January 28, with a margin of +/-three per cent from the SBV's reference rate.
At 4.30pm on January 28, Vietcombank listed the dollar buying and selling rates at VND22,230 and VND22,300, respectively, ten dong lower than the previous day's rates.
The dollar buying and selling rates at Techcombank were VND22,200 and VND22,360, 20 dong lower than the day before.
Meanwhile, Sacombank bought one US dollar for VND22,215 and sold it at VND22,300, five dong and 10 dong higher than the day before, respectively.
At the Quoc Trinh Jewellery Company in Ha Trung Street, the most popular forex trading point for the unofficial market in Ha Noi, the dollar was bought at VND22,380 and sold at VND22,410.
Meanwhile, the global gold price on January 27 reached a three-month high with an increase of US$3.5 per ounce to touch nearly $1,118.
The Saigon Jewellery Joint Stock Company (SJC) on January 28 sold one tael, or 1.205 ounce, of SJC gold for VND32.96 million ($1,479).