PNJ: Board Resolution – Oct 01 Phu Nhuan Jewelry Joint Stock Company announced Board Resolution dated October 01, 2015 as follows:
Article 1: The Board of Directors approved the business report in the first 09 months of 2015 and the operation capital situation.
Article 2: The Board of Directors approved to submit the General Meeting to issue shares for existing shareholders in order to raise charter capital from 982,745,770,000 dongs to 1,179,293,510,000 dongs.
Article 3: The Board of Directors approved to submit the General Meeting to amend item 8 Article 32 of PNJ’s Operation Charter
Article 4: The Board of Directors to hold the 2015 extraordinary general meeting of shareholders as follows:
- Record dated to close the list shareholders: October 19, 2015
- Time to hold the meeting: estimated in November 2015
- Contents: Approving to issue shares to raise the Charter, amending the Operation Charter, additional appointment of member of the Board of Supervisor
Article 5: Assigning Ms. Cao thi Ngoc Dung – BOD Chairwomen to implement necessary procedure to hold the extraordinary general meeting of shareholders. HOSE